
Employee testimonials

Discussion with senior employees!!



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Shoki arranges discussion with senior employees for information that cannot be obtained from company brochures and orientation sessions.

Seniors from different departments talk about the company's appeal such as motivation for joining the company, rewards and happiness that can be expected from the work.

Questions to senior employees

Q1. What was the opportunity and motivation to join Shoki?
Q1.What was the opportunity and motivation to join Shoki?
  • □I thought that is a company that accepts even inexperienced people without specifically looking to recruit experienced persons.
  • □I was familiar with automobile part manufacturers and wanted to work near my hometown.
  • □The company was recommended by seniors at the manufacturing site where I was working and I had interest in new manufacturing techniques.
  • □The president and employees were fascinating and I decided to join Shoki having faith in the opportunities for me.

Employees have joined the company with various feelings in mind!
Q2. Since joining the company, what was your career path and responsibilities?
Q2. Since joining the company, what was your career path and responsibilities?

Q2. Since joining the company, what was your career path and responsibilities?
  • □Data entry, document filing, labor management, ordering materials, materials, inventory management, shipping preparation, on-site support, work instructions, new joinee training, on-site work, work volume check, checking work progress, personnel placement, simple production planning, setup, and quality validation.
  • □Ordering and management of components to be assembled in automobile parts.
    I also coordinate the delivery schedules with our vendors and production schedule at the molding site.
  • □Manage product inventory, materials, raw materials, and containers, customer meetings, weight of product scheduled for delivery, and data by calculating the cycle time and defect rate.
    →My work is mainly to manage the molding machines ensuring that there are no stoppages (ensuring continuous product shipment) and improve of process efficiency.
  • □I picked up basic tasks in the first few months after joining the Takahama factory, and acquired knowledge of materials, molding machines, operation methods, and crane lift operations that is necessary to become a molding technician and now I am using this experience at the site.

Clear the difficult work! This will be the trigger for growth.
Q3. What are the interesting, enjoyable, and challenging aspects of your work?
Q3. What are the interesting, enjoyable, and challenging aspects of your work?

Q3. What are the interesting, enjoyable, and challenging aspects of your work?
  • □I found the work interesting and enjoyable when faced with the challenge of investigating product defects in the process to come up with measures for reducing the defect rate.
  • □I was assigned unexpected tasks in fields that I did not consider as my forte.
    There were many issues and complaints, but I think that my range of work has expanded. I am engaged in business from the development stage and find the information on the product background to be interesting.
  • □I am significant involved in the process of molded products production, assembly and inspection up to the shipment and delivery of products to customers. This work is difficult but challenging at the same time as my responsibility is to coordinate both within and outside the company.
  • □Production management requires the role of an intermediary between the customer and work site, and I get to meet different people.
    The job is challenging because improving management and efficiency is directly linked to the increase in profits. This department is represented by numbers and calculations, and I can motivate myself by understanding the results.

I have to come up with strategies every day for various tasks that are high specialized to efficiently maintain products of high quality.
Q4. Do you look up any employee and want to emulate them? Or do you have a favorite word?
Q4. Do you look up any employee and want to emulate them? Or do you have a favorite word?
  • □I am very thankful that my colleagues are like comrades who have overcome difficult memories and hardships. Favorite word: Cherry-plum-peach-apricot
  • □I look up to many employees. I want to emulate those who can consider work as almighty.
  • □I can learn many things because I work along with professionals in my department.
    My favorite word is “Regret after doing something instead of regretting without doing something”, attitude matters!!
  • □My favorite word is “Cleanliness”.
    Since I spend most of my time in the company, I like to keep things tidy and in order so that I can spend my time better.
    I like to keep my surroundings clean as this will enable me to spend my time in a good mood.

Motivation is important! Everyone works hard with their own goals.


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